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  • Laerdal Resusci® Baby First Aid Full Body Training Manikin

    SKU: Ac120068

    £570.00 (incl. VAT)

    This full baby-sized manikin from Laerdal is essential for teaching infant CPR and resuscitation for professional healthcare providers and high-performance teams. Its anatomically correct design allows learners to practice CPR techniques to prepare them in the event they need to resuscitate a baby in real life.


    1 x Full size Baby Manikin

    2 Face masks

    1 x Roll of Manikin Face Shields

    Disposable Airway

    Carry case

    Baby grow (body)


    Pulse bulb

    Disposable manikin wipes

    User Guide

    Please note: To use a feedback device alongside your Resusci Anne training, you will also need the Resusci Baby QCPR.

    Weight 6 kg
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